
Saturday 7 January 2012

Virbhadra Temple

I spend Christmas in India and it was an enchanting experience. I visited this beautiful temple in January of the new year. There is a story behind this location. It is said to be the site where Daksha, an ancient indian king had a yagna or fire offering. Daksha's daughter was Sati who was married to Lord Shiva. Daksha was opposed to this marraige and disliked Lord Shiva so he did not invite his son-in-law or daughter Sati to the yagna, though he invited all the other Gods. Sati went to the yagna, though Lord Shiva told her not to go, because they were not invited and became distraught because of the dishonor of her husband who was not invited and threw herself into the yagna fire. Lord Shiva on hearing this dreadful news became angry and distraught and sent Virbhadra to distroy the yagna and Daksha whom he beheaded. Enraged and saddened by the loss of Sati, Lord Shiva carried the body all over the Universe. Lord Vishnu to pacify him sent his discus and cut Sati's body into pieces that fell all over India and became known as Shakti peetas. The Shiva Lingam in the temple is very beautiful and the vibrations of the temple are calming and condusive for meditation. There are also shrines to Mother Durga and Lord Hanuman on the temple grounds.

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