
Thursday 27 December 2012

Trip to Maracas

Maracas of the prime destinations for tourists coming to Trinidad. A beautiful beach nestled within a sheltered bay with the mountains in the background. I ventured to this beautiful spot many times with friends and family. Maracas is known for its 'Bake and shark' where you buy at the many stalls located in the car park. The water is a beautiful blue green...with some waves...and white sand....and many coconut trees to take some rest under its shady branches...

Imagine sitting under a coconut tree...watching the waves....hearing the beautiful sounds of the sea and the clear blue sky overhead...while to sink your teeth into a spicy Bake and is this tropical paradise...

THese pictures were taken when my freinds and I ventured to Maracas for a June 2012

Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas time again...

Christmas...such a beautiful time....seems so different from other times of the year...why so....there seems magic in the air...though I am not in the most festive mood this year...its still made me smile...even though I am a tad sad....lifted my dismal cant be sad when you hear a Christmas just makes you smile...such the wonder of the season...

So Christmas time again...all the little kiddies waiting patiently for buy them presents...such as wonderful be a is full of magic and wonder...happy surprises....Santa Claus...Elves...the North Pole...or when you got older...trying to catch your mum and dad in the act...everything seems so magical then....everything new experience was exciting...amazing...

So here comes again...Christmas time....

Sunday 3 June 2012

Salybia Waterfall

This waterfall is located to the north eastern part of Trinidad and I did this hike many times. Its a very easy hike and takes for most, one hour for the slowest hiker. The waterfall is worth the effort with its beautiful bluegreen pool surrounded by lust forest and the fresh mountain air. You pass many streams along the way before you reach the main waterfall and take care because the rocks are a little slippery. Its best to go to this hike or any hike during the dry season because in the wet season there may be flash flooding which can leave you stranded in the forest. Not a good idea.

Copyright God is ah Trini 2012


Friday 1 June 2012

I sit and ponder

As I sit alone and wonder...wonder about the meaning of life...wonder why we are here...on this planet...what is our purpose...what is my purpose. Life seems like a dream sometimes..intricate tapestry of emotions, experiences and dreams all wrapped up and individually packaged for each person. Why am I here on this earth? A question asked a thousand times...before...and many will ask this question in the future...I sit and ponder..

Is life an illusion...some poets say it it a beautiful dream...if so when I wake up what will be real...thoughts..thoughts...sometimes do you feel like your thoughts are not we are all connected...when someone thinks a thought of a laughter...someone somewhere fingers all controlled by the same hand...and yet believing itself to be seperate...

If it is but a beautiful dream...then why is there sadness and pain...why is there suffering...why is there strife...but there also is love...happiness...harmony and peace....such a beautiful would you know peace..without knowing would you know happy...without being sad...this eternal and peace...strife and sadness....playing out until one will triumph over the other...until only light...and love...exists...

Copyright God is ah Trini 2012

Saturday 17 March 2012

Mount St Benedict

Nestled in the Northern Range, away from the hustle and bustle of the valley below is this beautiful church. I visited this church many times due to it peaceful atmosphere, beautiful view from the Mount, as well as to eat the famous PAX yogurt that the monks make. There is also a gift shop where you can buy candles, holy water, and rosary beads. The atmosphere in the church is one of silent pray and there is a statue of the Mother Mary and St. Benedict. I sit and soak in the silence and soothing vibrations of this place that seems to calm the soul and brings one peace. Some years ago I did stay at the retreat centre which is a good place for contemplation and silence. Lower down the road at the guest house you can have tea which normally starts at 4pm in the evening. There are a variety of teas to choose from as well as homemade bread and cake. A real treat.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Trip to Siparia

Shops in Siparia Main Road
Siparia is a town in the south of Trinidad, which lies on a plateau and is about forty five minutes away from the city of San Fernando. This country town is the home of the La Divina Pastora or Supari Mai, a popular Saint adored by many faiths, who visit the R.C. Church on Good Friday to offer prays and offerings to the Saint. Hindus revere the Saint as Supari Mai and believe that she is Mother Kali, an aspect of Mother Durga whose complexion is dark like the Saint. One story goes, when the church was built, an indentured labourer had a vision of the Mother Kali and she told him that she would reside in the church. Many young women also pray to her for a suitable husband.

Iere High School is the first co-ed Presbyterian School in Trinidad. The present Prime Minister of Trinidad attended this high school which is nestled adjacent to the edge of the plateau. From Siparia, you can take a drive to Quinam Beach which is a popular beach for Trinis in the south, located on the southern coast of Trinidad. Its a popular spot for a beach lime. There are many shops and eating areas along the main street, including a KFC and Subway.

La Divina Pastora/Supari Mai

Iere High School Auditorium

Main Road Siparia

Tuesday 31 January 2012


Toco Bay on North Easthern Coast of Trinidad
I am currently in Trinidad and Tobago. Twin islands to the far south of the Caribbean Sea. There are many interesting places here that are unque to these small islands rich not only in its diverse cultures but also the warmth and passion of the people. Life is simple and easygoing. Here is where East and West converge..and 'the Ganges meet the Nile' from a popular calypso by David Rudder a famous calypsonian.

The food is exotic and highly seasoned with fresh green chives, celery and pimentos and red hot peppers. The islands can boosts of tropical green rainforests, breathing beaches on its many coasts and mangrove swamps. In addition to this these islands have a rich spiritual heritage with an intermingling of many faiths, the Baptist, Hindus, Moslems and many Christian faiths.

Seem strange that where there has been so many wars fought all over the world, in this tiny country, all these different cultures, religious beliefs and races exist side by side. I invite you on a journey of discovery to explore these two beautiful islands...where the locals sometimes joke that 'GOD is ah TRINI'.
View from Look out on the North Coast Road leading to Maracus Bay